Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Smart PIR Sensor is Used in Zigbee Home Automation?

Zigbee is designed as an open global standard in wireless technology to deliver low-power and low-cost wireless IoT networks. Its standard works on the physical radio specification IEEE 802.15.4, under unlicensed bands like 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz. This makes Zigbee practical in smart homes where convenience, energy management, comfort, and security are enhanced for the consumer, particularly where the smart PIR sensor or a pyroelectric (‘passive’) infrared sensor is used. With the addition of a PIR motion sensor, it is easier to make your smart devices perform an array of tasks for you. It works according to the principles of sensing the passive infrared radiation being generated through a pyroelectric sensor, activated by a human or an object.

The PIR sensor comes with two slots, each of which is made of infrared-sensitive material. While idle, the slots are detecting the same levels of infrared, which is the ambient amount from the walls, room, or the outdoors. When a warm body (such as an animal or a human) passes by, it will intercept half of the PIR sensor, causing the positive differential change between the two of them. When the warm body exits the sensing area, the sensor makes a negative differential change, and the change pulses are detected. The smart PIR sensor is housed in a sealed casing that enhances its immunity to humidity, noise, and temperature, while the sensing element is protected.

A newer smart PIR sensor would work with the Zigbee 3.0 protocol, which is ratified & created by member companies under the Zigbee Alliance, which has more than 300 top semiconductor manufacturers, service companies, OEMs, and technology firms as its members. With the latest Zigbee protocol, these members are able to provide a user-friendly wireless data solution with reliable and secure wireless network architectures.

Through Zigbee 3.0, the smart PIR sensor can easily work with apps like Tuya. It lets IoT developers build communication easily between IoT devices equipped with Tuya’s terminals. That way, the motion sensor will only be triggered when someone enters the coverage area. Zigbee helps communicate the data efficiently, even through noisy RF environments. Protocol 3.0 unites market-specific application profiles, so all devices can be connected wireless in one network regardless of their function and market designation. Moreover, the Zigbee 3.0 certification scheme enables interoperability of smart devices regardless of their manufacturers. By linking network running on Zigbee 3.0 to an IP domain, it is possible to control and monitor devices (i.e., tablets and smartphones) on a WAN or LAN and the internet, resulting in an actual Internet of Things.

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